Our desire is to provide a safe, secure, and caring environment. Each child at Little Learner Child Development Center will receive developmentally appropriate education mentally, physically and socially. Little Learner Child Development Center providesa safe, nurturing and developmentally appropriate program which fosters active learning, support for the whole child, and a child friendly environment.
We require on-going training for our staff through State STARS Training, orientation, in-house training, and other certified professionals in the education field. All of our staff is trained in First Aid and CPR, Blood Borne Pathogens, and go through a Background Check through the Department of Early Learning.
We are dedicated and committed to our children by providing exceptional education and quality child care. It is our philosophy to focus on the needs of the individual child by providing a stimulating atmosphere for learning along with a secure loving environment. It is our belief that a childcare facility should be an extension of each child’s family. Ourteachers and parents are encouraged to work together to provide the love and support needed as your child reaches developmental milestones and his/her own personal achievements! We are passionate about education and providing our children with the tools to be successful in life.